the truth about lucy van chicken

so when i was in 6th grade we had to take a sewing class as part of home ec.
we got to make a stuffed pillow. for our class we had the choice of an octopus or a chicken. i was the only one in my class to go against the grain and choose the chicken ( i was a rebel even then..hehe)
also around the same time i had mr hubbard for history ( i hated him at the time but in retrospect he was an awesome teacher who tried to make it fun, even if he graded ridiculously hard! and was kinda mean). we were learning about the homo sapiens and ancient man.
remember lucy? the almost full skeleton that was found at the same time lucy in the sky with diamonds was playing.
i'm not exactly sure where the van came from. i think i wanted to sound cool. (for some reason i think it had something to do with camper van beethoven, who i never even listened too)
well anyways..lucy van chicken was born! there's even a label i sewed onto her back with her name!
and she was a perfect shape to hold while i slept. kinda of sad that i didn't really start sleeping with a stuffed animal until 6th grade.
well continuing on..
i took her with me to college (side bar-my roommate sophomore year had a light bulb that she had made in grade school sewing class!!!) and for some reason a few of my friends loved her! (what's not to love??) my friend kurt would actually try to steal her. it became a reoccurring joke
sadly, lucy it now falling apart. the felt parts of her have all but disintegrated. she is now packed away in a storage container in the garage. but i do have some great memories!


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