things i won't miss about retail- the surprise edition

so this is something i definitely won't and don't miss!! this is something that wasn't even on my original list!  but thanks to facebook and it's on today this is what you posted i was reminded of this this morning:

definitely not going to miss being the bitch...
i mean i am a bitch, don't get me wrong.
but having to be the bitch is something entirely different.
in the college years i had what my friends referred to as "the voice". basically the voice says i'm pissed off and you better not fuck with me.
as a manager you have to have a certain amount of the the voice. but you can't have too much voice bc employees are delicate little beings. it is such a double standard and i'm so glad i'm not a manager any more. you have to hold your staff accountable and coach in the moment. but if you say too much they complain to your manager. ahhhh !! i'm getting so pissed just thinking about it right now.
so you hire someone to do a job, and you follow up with them. but if you follow up too much you can get in trouble. wtf.
but in this situation a customer decided they didn't like me coaching my staff.
now, i really don't remember the situation. but clearly i was upset bc first of all i posted about it. and second of all apparently i was crying. it takes a lot to make me cry. i've developed a thick skin at work bc, like i said someone has to be the bitch. i get to be the hard ass that follows up with staff and makes sure they are doing their jobs. which means they generally don't like me. well not everyone doesn't like me, just the ones i have to continually follow up with bc they don't know how to do their fucking jobs!
you get a paycheck every other friday. it's not cuz we like you. it's bc you are hired as an employee to do a specific job.  so do your fucking job so i don't have to be a bitch, please!
if you are a customer, mind your business. you don't know me. you don't know my situation. you don't know what kind of employee i'm following up with. do they do their job? have i spoken to the same thing before? if so, how many times?
you want a pleasant shopping experience? you want to find your size on the floor? you want a clean store?  then let me do my job and make sure my staff is doing their job.
sometimes that means being the bitch.
but not anymore!! and i sure don't miss that!


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