house porn

so i'm addicted to house porn. well before we ever started looking for a house i was watching house hunters and hgtv. i would also frequent assorted online real estate sites. when were where looking at houses i would go online and look to see if anything new had been listed multiple times a day. i would also look at the million dollar homes and even homes that were just out of our price range. on occasion i would be chatting with a friend from college on facebook (hi colleen) and i would send her the links to the million dollar homes. she told me i was sending her house porn.
now i know i'm not the only one out there who is addicted to house porn. don't all speak up at once...

so anyway, last week my husband and i were having a discussion about a set he had worked on. (he builds sets for tv shows) he was referencing something and so of course i googled it. sadly i could find no real pictures of the set although i did find tons of video. i just don't really have the patience to watch the video to see the one thing that he was looking for so i gave up.
i found and amazing new blog to frequent!!
its called hooked on houses
and the woman who writes it is hooked on houses!
(although you probably should have been able to guess that from the title..)
its awesome!
i'm not going to go into too much detail bc she sums up her purpose much better on her about page
but you should totally check it out!!


  1. Preaching to the choir on Hooked on Houses sister.

    House Hunters makes me want to scream at the TV and gnash my teeth!

    If one more dewy eyed couple with two dimes to their name speaks of granite, SS appliances, and double-sink in the master vanity as if it is the bare minimum for sustaining life and anything less is akin to living in a box under a bridge, I. Will. Scream.

    Otherwise, it's fab :)


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