cold weather = an excuse to bake
so it got cold yesterday here in sunny southern california. cold of course being relative as compared to the east coast.. when i got home from work all the windows were open bc up until yesterday it had been perfect! so i closed all the windows and curled up on the couch under a blanket. after laying there in a semi-comatose state (as an opening shift after 3 days off can mess you up) i realized it was only 6pm and if i fell asleep then i definitely would not sleep thought the nite. i didn't really want to leave the comfy warmness of the blanket, but i had to. so i decided i had to bake something so i could turn the oven on and warm up the house! when i had been home for baba's funeral i asked if i could have her recipes and cook books. my goal was to find her banana bread recipe. sadly i found 2 banana cakes but no banana bread...i did, however, find baba's jewish apple cake. my mom was sooo excited for this one. the two main differences between what my mom had been doing ...