garden time!

oh so before i head out to the garden for some garden time, i owe anyone who may actually read this a little hello... hi! ok, i'm going now jk..... but seriously, the past few months have been a little busy for me. got a promotion at work!! which meant the training process and a whole new location, oh and lots more responsibility which of course means less time. and then there's the house... you saw we started the kitchen (i swear i'll put up after pics for the kitchen and maybe even someday the bathroom..its just a matter of remembering to take pictures after i've cleaned the house bc generally after i've finished cleaning taking pictures is not the first thing on my mind..) and you saw the no-longer-there front porch. we'll in between that i've been cleaning up the house and mess, mowing the lawn, and generally doing the yard work. i figure if the mister can build i can garden... i've got to have my dad's and grandfather's green thumb...