over share! (but not from me)

Stumbling upon way to many people who feel the need to over share and make themselves feel super self important seems to be par for the course these days... personally I've pretty much stopped posting anything on the Facebook and I don't have instagram or twitter. I've realised that I don't need to post my fault random thoughts so that people can validate them by liking or reposting. That being said I do have this lovely blog which I barely remember to post on..although I have written numerous posts in my head when I can't sleep or I'm driving. Anyhoo.... that main point of this rant is that I now feel the need to share with you all some of the random shit I've found on line. Back story of today's installment.... The hubs and I are back east for a long over due visit to the families...we are currently trying to figure out where to go for breakfast since a diner we frequented back in the day burnt down a few years ago and wasn't rebuilt. Que me goin...