the bitch is back!

how oh how has it been almost 3 years since i've written anything??? i know i've composed many many many posts in my head and i guess i just never got around to actually typing and posting them... so much and so little has happened in the past few years. the most important thing is the addition of mr. dickie barrett to our lives!! no i'm not talking about this dickie barret i'm talking about this one!! look at the little face!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! and how can you not die when you see that little face!!! i have it on good authority the dickie aka puppers aka little richard is the cutest puppy in the world... my nephew said it... and you know kids don't lie! ( well until they get a little older) that is the biggest news i must share with the interwebs and any of you random peoples who might just boringly stumble onto my little rant and share space.... but i swear i'll start posting more!! i have home improvements and recipes to share!! but for now ...